Treinta y cinco minutos de película que detallan técnicas, equipo y estilos en el vestir del deporte en ciernes y el fantástico nuevo "upski" llamado "Queen Mary" que fue el presagio del futuro telesilla.
Muestra la única filmación a color de la version norteaméricana de la "Kandahar", el llamado "Far West Kandahar", un descenso celebrado en Badger Pass en la primavera de 1941, donde compitieron algunos de los esquiadores europeos más laureados.
Nota informativa: Recordamos a todos los lectores e instituciones públicas y privadas, que Retro-ski es un blog sin animo de lucro, cuyo único y ultimo fin, es la difusión de la historia del esquí.
Badger Pass in Yosemite National Park became one of America’s earliest ski resorts in 1935 with the construction of the lodge and the preparation of the slopes for downhill skiing. This rare 8 mm color film, accompanied by a first hand historical narrative, chronicles the development of American skiing in the year prior to WWII through 1942.
Thirty-five minutes of footage details techniques, equipment, and clothing styles of the fledgling sport, and the fantastic new “upski” called the “Queen Mary” that presaged the chairlift.
It depicts the only known extant color footage of the internationally famous “Far West Kandahar”, a downhill race hold at Badger Pass in the spring of 1941 where some of Europe’s most heralded skiers competed.
Warming: We would like to remind all readers and and private or public institutions that "Retro-ski" is a non profit blog, whose only aim is to allow the history of sking to be known to all.